Tout Haiti

Le Trait d'Union Entre Les Haitiens


March across the Brooklyn Bridge - Fri, January 19, 2018

DOWN WITH TRUMP flyer time up



March across the BrooklynBridge on Federal Plaza and Wall Street’s Trump Building (40 Broadway)

FRI, JANUARY 19, 2018

8:00 a.m.: Assemble at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn

9:00 a.m.: Start the March down Flatbush Avenue

12:30 p.m.: Rally Trump Building, 40 Wall Street

 On January 11, the eve of the 8 anniversary of Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, President Donald Trump called Haiti a “shithole” country, along with El Salvador and African nations.

 In response, New York’s Haitian community, with the solidarity of progressive U.S. parties and movements, will MARCH BY THE THOUSANDS down Flatbush Avenue, ACROSS THE

BROOKLYN BRIDGE to paralyze downtown Manhattan. NO WORK! NO SCHOOL! TRUMP MUST GO!

 Organized by 1804 Movement for All Immigrants, 1583 Albany Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210 718.421.0162


  Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. ! 1804 Movement = 1199SEIU, Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), Club des Amis d’Haïti Liberté (CAHL), Dec. 12 Coalition, Equality for Flatbush, Fanmi Lavalas, Free Mumia Coalition, Haïti Liberté, Haitian Enforcement Against Racism (HEAR), Haiti Solidarity Network of the NorthEast (HSNNE), International Support Haiti Network (ISHN) Konbit Ayisyen pou Kore Lakay (KAKOLA), Konfederasyon Vodou Ayisyen, KNVA-New York, Party for Socialism & Liberation (PSL), Peoples Power Assemblies (PPA), Refuse Facism, Tout Haiti, Voix & Tambours, Workers World Party (WWP) & many individual activists (list in formation)
