Tout Haiti

Le Trait d'Union Entre Les Haitiens


President Martelly's homosexual proposition to journalist ill received

Michel Martelly prancing in women's lingerie were common staples of his performances throughout his musical careerAQUIN, Haiti ( - Audio surfaced Saturday of President Michel Martelly propositioning a journalist to engage in activities considered homosexual in exchange for answers to questions regarding the formation of a council that will organize elections, overdue for more than 3 years in Haiti.

Journalist Germain Etienne was in the town of Archin when he asked the chief executive about the many sectors of national life that have called for a "balanced" and "constitutional" electoral council.

To this, Martelly suggested:

"...why don't you rent a house... or a room, where we can lay in the bed together and I will give you all the answers you want, all night."

The Head of State's advance towards the Scoop FM journalist was apparently not well received. Sources within the radio agency asserted to The Sentinel that Etienne would most likely not take the president up on the invitation.

The public has since expressed its disgust at the degradation of the Office of the President during the Martelly-Lamothe administration.

The Human Rights Advocate, Newton Saint-Juste, spoke on the moral values that a president should exemplify, which has never been demonstrated by Martelly, a married man with children. Saint-Juste also bemoaned the fact that his two young sons would be misguided to have the Haitian head of state as a role model.

It deserves to be recalled that among the countless offenses, verbal and physical, towards the press undertaken by the Martelly regime, Etienne had been the victim of such abuse on October 6, 2011, only five months after Martelly's inauguration. In this incident, Martelly publicly and with much vulgar, not appropriate for publishing, threatened sexual advances to the journalist's mother.

For many, the Head of State has shown tendencies considered homosexual in the past. It was recalled throughout denunciations that Martelly had often worn women's clothing and undergarments during his performances as a musician.

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Source audio: Radio Kiskeya
Read also: Audio: Martelly demande à un journaliste de Scoop FM de dormir avec lui

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