Tout Haiti

Le Trait d'Union Entre Les Haitiens


En 1994, K-plim avait traduit en justice Prosper Avril et obtenu 20 millions de dollars pour dommage d' un tribunal Américain

prosper-avril-militaireProsper Avril - Ex dictateur Militaire

Quand nous voyons K-plim et ses anciens tortionnaires qui se décotent sur les banc publics (Georges Brassens) et l'indignation qu'a soulevé ce comportement de l'un des prisonniers de la Toussaint, Tout Haiti a voulu en connaitre d'avantage. (voir article de Tout Haiti: Vidéo prisonniers de la Toussaint: Prosper Avril a torturé et parader à la TNH les prisonniers politiques Evans Paul K-Plim, Marino Etienne et Jean Auguste Mesieux)

Après une petite enquête Tout Haiti a retrouvé des documents d'archives qui permettront d'avoir une meilleure idée de la saga opposant l'ancien dictateur putschiste Prosper Avril et les prisonniers de la Toussaint Evans Paul K-plim, Marino Etienne et Jean Auguste Messieux. A ces trois prisonniers politiques il faut ajouter Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles et Fernand Gérard Laforest.

K-plim a déjà obtenu Justice de la part du système judicaire américain et les autres victimes du régime ?

Ces victimes de la dictature Militaro-Duvaliériste avaient comme avocats Mes Ira Jay Kurzban et Michael S. Popkin d'après des documents officiels obtenus par Tout Haiti. Les victimes s ont porté plainte contre Prosper Avril dans un tribunal de Miami ou un juge a condamné l'ex dictateur pour payer la rondelette somme de 41 millions de dollars aux plaignants. Ne pouvant pas payer cette somme astronomique Prosper Avril avait fui les États-Unis pour se rendre à Saint Domingue sous la protection dit-on des services secrets américains pour lesquels il travaillait puis il est retourné en Haiti ou il vit depuis lors.

Tout Haiti vous invite à voir le document plus bas

What can you do if you are a victim of Haiti's police and military abuse? 

In 1989, yet another military coup brought Colonel Prosper Avril to power. Under American pressure Avril fired 140 officers suspected of drug trafficking. Avril has been sued by six Haitians, including Port-au-Prince mayor Evans Paul, who claimed that they were imprisoned and tortured by the Haitian military under Avril's orders in November 1989. According to testimony before the Kerry subcommittee, Avril was a major player in Haiti's moving cartel cocaine into the United States. In 1994, a Florida Judge awarded Evans Paul $20 million in damages and legal fees against Prosper Avril.

Colonel Prosper Avril was unable to settle the sum, then ran away to hide in Haiti.

Boston HMI

1:91-cv-00399-WDF Paul, et al v. Avril
Wilkie D. Ferguson, Jr, presiding
Date filed: 02/28/1991
Date terminated: 07/01/1994
Date of last filing: 07/05/1994
County: Miami-Dade

Case Summary
Office: Miami
Filed: 02/28/1991
Jury Demand: None
Demand: $20000000
Nature of Suit: 360 Cause: 28:1331 Fed. Question: Personal Injury
Jurisdiction: Federal Question
Disposition: Judgment - Judgment on Default


U.S. District Court
Southern District of Florida (Miami)
CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:91-cv-00399-WDF

Paul, et al v. Avril
Assigned to: Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson, Jr
Demand: $20,000,000
Cause: 28:1331 Fed. Question: Personal Injury

Date Filed: 02/28/1991
Date Terminated: 07/01/1994
Jury Demand: None
Nature of Suit: 360 P.I.: Other
Jurisdiction: Federal Question
Evans Paul represented by Ira Jay Kurzban 
Kurzban Kurzban Weinger & Tetzeli 
2650 SW 27th Avenue 
2nd Floor 
Miami, FL 33133 
Fax: 444-3503 
Email: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.  

Michael S. Popkin 
PO Box 21 
North Whitefiled, ME 04343 
TERMINATED: 07/16/1993 

Jean-Auguste Mesyeux represented by Ira Jay Kurzban 
(See above for address) 

Michael S. Popkin 
(See above for address) 
TERMINATED: 07/16/1993 

Marino Etienne represented by Ira Jay Kurzban 
(See above for address) 

Michael S. Popkin 
(See above for address) 
TERMINATED: 07/16/1993 

Gerald Emile Brun represented by Ira Jay Kurzban 
(See above for address) 

Michael S. Popkin 
(See above for address) 
TERMINATED: 07/16/1993 

Serge Gilles represented by Ira Jay Kurzban 
(See above for address) 

Michael S. Popkin 
(See above for address) 
TERMINATED: 07/16/1993 

Fernand Gerard Laforest represented by Ira Jay Kurzban 
(See above for address) 

Michael S. Popkin 
(See above for address) 
TERMINATED: 07/16/1993 

Prosper Avril represented by Richard A. Hibey 
Anderson Hibey Nauheim & Blair 
1708 NW New Hampshire Avenue NW 
Washington, DC 20009 

Stephen Arnold Papy 
Stephen A. Papy 
201 Alhambra Circle 
Suite 502 Sun Trust Bank Bldg 
Coral Gables, FL 33134 
TERMINATED: 02/02/1994 


Date Filed # Docket Text
02/28/1991 COMPLAINT filed; FILING FEE $ 120.00 RECEIPT # 114722 A-7 Mag PRP (vp, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 03/04/1991)
02/28/1991 ** Magistrate Peter R. Palermo drawn. (vp, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 03/04/1991)
02/28/1991 SUMMONS(ES) issued for Prosper Avril (vp, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 03/04/1991)
03/01/1991 ORDER REFERRING CASE to Judge Peter R. Palermo ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 3/1/91) CCAP (vp, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 03/13/1991)
03/13/1991 MOTION by Evans Paul, Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, Marino Etienne, Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles, Fernand Gerard Laforest to set briefing schedule (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 03/19/1991)
04/03/1991 MOTION by Prosper Avril for oral argument on motion to dismiss (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/04/1991)
04/03/1991 MOTION by Prosper Avril for leave to file memorandum in excess of 20 pages (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/04/1991)
04/03/1991 MOTION by Prosper Avril to dismiss (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/04/1991)
04/03/1991 MOTION by Prosper Avril for Richard A. Hibey, Gordon A. Coffee to appear pro hac vice (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/04/1991)
04/03/1991 MEMORANDUM by Prosper Avril in support of [7-1] motion to dismiss (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/04/1991)
04/04/1991 10  RETURN OF SERVICE executed as to Prosper Avril 2/28/91 Answer due on 3/20/91 for Prosper Avril (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/09/1991)
04/10/1991 11  NOTICE of appearance by Papy & McMaster, P.A. for defendant (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/12/1991)
04/12/1991 12  MOTION by Prosper Avril to stay discovery (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/15/1991)
04/12/1991 13  MEMORANDUM by Prosper Avril in support of [12-1] motion to stay discovery (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/15/1991)
04/17/1991 14  MOTION by Evans Paul, Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, Marino Etienne, Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles, Fernand Gerard Laforest for Morin, Stephens & Ratner to appear pro hac vice (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/19/1991)
04/18/1991 15  MOTION by Prosper Avril to substitute counsel (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/19/1991)
04/23/1991 16  MEMORANDUM by Evans Paul, Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, Marino Etienne, Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles, Fernand Gerard Laforest in opposition to [12-1] motion to stay discovery (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/25/1991)
04/23/1991 17  NOTICE of filing waiver of immunity by Evans Paul, Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, Marino Etienne, Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles, Fernand Gerard Laforest (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/25/1991)
04/25/1991 18  ORDER granting [15-1] motion to substitute counsel ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 4/24/91) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/29/1991)
05/01/1991 19  REPLY by Prosper Avril to response to [12-1] motion to stay discovery (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/06/1991)
05/06/1991 21  MOTION by Evans Paul, Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, Marino Etienne, Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles, Fernand Gerard Laforest for oral argument on motion to dismiss & opposition thereto (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/17/1991)
05/06/1991 20  MOTION to file memo in excess of 20 pages with attached memo by Evans Paul, Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, Marino Etienne, Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles, Fernand Gerard Laforest (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/07/1991)
05/14/1991 22  NOTICE of filing declaration of Guy Malary by Evans Paul, Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, Marino Etienne, Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles, Fernand Gerard Laforest (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/17/1991)
05/15/1991 23  RESPONSE by Prosper Avril to [21-1] motion for oral argument on motion to dismiss & opposition thereto (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/17/1991)
05/15/1991 24  REPLY by Prosper Avril of points & authoities to response to [7-1] motion to dismiss (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/17/1991)
05/20/1991 25  MOTION by Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, Marino Etienne, Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles, Fernand Gerard Laforest, Prosper Avril for leave to file sur-reply memo in opp motion (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/28/1991)
05/29/1991 26  MEMORANDUM by Evans Paul, Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, Marino Etienne, Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles, Fernand Gerard Laforest in opposition to [7-1] motion to dismiss (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/06/1991)
06/21/1991 27  MOTION by Evans Paul, Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, Marino Etienne, Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles, Fernand Gerard Laforest to compel discovery (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/25/1991)
07/08/1991 28  MEMORANDUM by Prosper Avril in opposition to [27-1] motion to compel discovery (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/09/1991)
11/29/1991 29  NOTICE of change of address by attorney S. A. Papy (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/09/1991)
01/22/1992 43  ORDER, that plaintiffs reply to objections by 12/22/92 and defendants have until 1/7/93 to reply thereto ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 12/22/92) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 01/07/1993)
09/17/1992 30  ORDER, to show cause by 9/28/92 why case should not be dismissed for lack of prosecution ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 9/15/92) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 09/22/1992)
09/28/1992 31  NOTICE of address change of counsel by All Plaintiffs (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 09/30/1992)
11/10/1992 34  ORDER denying [5-1] motion for oral argument on motion to dismiss ( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 11/10/92) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/16/1992)
11/12/1992 32  ORDER mooting [12-1] motion to stay discovery pending resolution of motion to dismiss, D.E.#12( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 11/10/92) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/16/1992)
11/12/1992 33  ORDER granting [6-1] motion for leave to file memorandum in excess of 20 pages ( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 11/10/92) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/16/1992)
11/12/1992 35  ORDER granting [27-1] motion to compel discovery, and denying attorney fees and cost ( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 11/10/92) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/16/1992)
11/12/1992 36  ORDER granting [25-1] motion for leave to file sur-reply memo in opp motion ( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 11/10/92) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/16/1992)
11/12/1992 37  ORDER granting [14-1] motion for Morin, Stephens & Ratner to appear pro hac vice ( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 11/10/92) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/16/1992)
11/12/1992 38  ORDER denying [21-1] motion for oral argument on motion to dismiss & opposition thereto ( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 11/10/92) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/16/1992)
11/12/1992 39  ORDER granting [20-1] motion for leave to file memorandum in excess of 20 pages( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 11/10/92) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/16/1992)
11/12/1992 40  REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS of Magistrate Peter R. Palermo Re: [7-1] motion to dismiss be denied ; Signature date: 11/10/92 Motion no longer referred Objections to R and R due by 11/22/92 CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/16/1992)
11/30/1992 41  OBJECTION by Prosper Avril to [40-1] report and recommendations (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/01/1992)
12/08/1992 42  ORDER, that plaintiffs have until 12/18/92 to reply to objections and defendant has until 1/5/93 to reply ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 12/7/92) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/11/1992)
01/07/1993 44  MEMORANDUM by Prosper Avril in support of [41-1] objection (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 01/08/1993)
01/07/1993 45  MOTION by Prosper Avril for leave to file memorandum in excess of limit (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 01/08/1993)
01/14/1993 46  ORDER, affirming report and recommendation of Magistrate Palermo and denying defendant's request that the complaint be dismissed ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 1/13/92) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 01/21/1993)
01/28/1993 47  NOTICE of change of address of co-counsel S.A. Papy by Prosper Avril (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 01/29/1993)
01/29/1993 48  AMENDED COMPLAINT by Evans Paul, Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, Marino Etienne, Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles, Fernand Gerard Laforest , (Answer due 2/8/93 for Prosper Avril ) amending [1-1] complaint (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 02/01/1993)
02/04/1993 49  ANSWER to Complaint by Prosper Avril (Attorney Stephen Arnold Papy), (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 02/04/1993)
03/31/1993 50  MOTION by All Plaintiffs for Michael S. Popkin, Counsel to appear pro hac vice (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/05/1993)
03/31/1993 51  CONSENT by Plaintiffs to appointment as local attorney (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/05/1993)
04/07/1993 52  ORDER granting [50-1] motion for Michael S. Popkin, Counsel to appear pro hac vice ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 4/7/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/08/1993)
04/13/1993 53  SCHEDULING ORDER setting Calendar call set for 1:00 9/27/93 Bench trial set for 9/27/93 Pretrial conference for 11:00 9/20/93 ; ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 4/12/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/16/1993)
04/13/1993 54  ORDER, referring case to mediation to be completed no later than 60 days before the scheduled trial date ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 4/12/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 04/16/1993)
05/06/1993 55  MOTION by All Plaintiffs to extend time for discovery, date of pretrial conference and trial date (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/07/1993)
05/06/1993 56  AFFIRMATION by Michael Ratner in support of [55-1] motion to extend time for discovery, date of pretrial conference and trial date (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/07/1993)
05/20/1993 57  RESPONSE by Prosper Avril to [55-1] motion to extend time for discovery, date of pretrial conference and trial date (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/24/1993)
05/20/1993 57  CROSS MOTION by Prosper Avril for reconsideration of [46-1] order affirming report and recommendation of Magistrate Palermo and denying defendant's request that the complaint be dismissed (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/24/1993)
05/28/1993 58  MOTION by All Plaintiffs for issuance of Letter Rogatory (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/01/1993)
05/28/1993 59  AFFIDAVIT by All Plaintiffs Re: [58-1] motion for issuance of Letter Rogatory (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/01/1993)
05/28/1993 60  MEMORANDUM by All Plaintiffs in support of [58-1] motion for issuance of Letter Rogatory (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/01/1993)
06/01/1993 61  MEMORANDUM by All Plaintiffs in opposition to [57-1] cross motion for reconsideration of [46-1] order affirming report and recommendation of Magistrate Palermo and denying defendant's request that the complaint be dismissed (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/03/1993)
06/09/1993 62  RESPONSE by Prosper Avril to [58-1] motion for issuance of Letter Rogatory (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/10/1993)
06/10/1993 63  ORDER denying [57-1] cross motion for reconsideration of [46-1] order affirming report and recommendation of Magistrate Palermo and denying defendant's request that the complaint be dismissed ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 6/8/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/15/1993)
06/14/1993 64  ORDER granting [58-1] motion for issuance of Letter Rogatory with attached letter ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 6/7/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/15/1993)
06/28/1993 65  MOTION by All Plaintiffs to expedite ruling on plaintiffs' motion extend time for discovery, pretrial conference and trial date filed 5/5/93 (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/29/1993)
07/09/1993 NOTICE by All Plaintiffs to take deposition of defendant 8/12/93 at 9:30 (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/13/1993)
07/12/1993 67  MOTION by All Plaintiffs for Michael S. Popkin to withdraw as attorney (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/13/1993)
07/16/1993 68  ORDER granting [67-1] motion for Michael S. Popkin to withdraw as attorney (Terminated attorney Michael S. Popkin for Fernand Gerard Laforest, attorney Michael S. Popkin for Serge Gilles, attorney Michael S. Popkin for Gerald Emile Brun, attorney Michael S. Popkin for Marino Etienne, attorney Michael S. Popkin for Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, attorney Michael S. Popkin for Evans Paul ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 7/14/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/19/1993)
07/20/1993 69  SECOND EMERGENCY MOTION by All Plaintiffs for ruling on pending motion to extend deadlines (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/21/1993)
07/21/1993 70  MOTION by Prosper Avril for protective order requiring plaintiffs to depose him at his place of residence (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/22/1993)
07/21/1993 71  MEMORANDUM by Prosper Avril in support of [70-1] motion for protective order requiring plaintiffs to depose him at his place of residence (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/22/1993)
07/26/1993 72  MEMORANDUM by All Plaintiffs in opposition to [70-1] motion for protective order requiring plaintiffs to depose him at his place of residence (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/27/1993)
07/27/1993 73  RESPONSE by Prosper Avril to [69-1] motion for ruling on pending motion to extend deadlines (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/28/1993)
08/05/1993 74  MOTION by Prosper Avril, All Plaintiffs to appoint Mediator (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 08/09/1993)
08/05/1993 75  NOTICE of selection of Allene D. Nicholson as Mediator (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 08/09/1993)
08/20/1993 76  MOTION by Prosper Avril for reconsideration of [63-1] order , or for Rule 37 (d) sanctions (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 08/23/1993)
08/20/1993 77  MEMORANDUM by Prosper Avril in support of [76-1] motion for reconsideration of [63-1] order, [76-2] motion for Rule 37 (d) sanctions (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 08/23/1993)
08/23/1993 78  SCHEDULING ORDER setting Calendar call set for 1:00 4/25/94 Jury trial set for 4/25/94 Pretrial conference for 10:00 4/18/94 ; ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 8/17/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 08/26/1993)
08/24/1993 79  FINAL report of Mediator. Disposition: Impasse (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 08/26/1993)
08/31/1993 80  MEMORANDUM by All Plaintiffs in opposition to [76-1] motion for reconsideration of [63-1] order (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 09/02/1993)
09/02/1993 81  ORDER, Motion hearing before Magistrate Peter R. Palermo set for 10:00 9/28/93 for [70-1] motion for protective order requiring plaintiffs to depose him at his place of residence ( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 9/1/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 09/03/1993)
09/08/1993 82  ORDER denying as moot [55-1] motion to extend time for discovery, date of pretrial conference and trial date denying as moot [65-1] motion to expedite ruling on plaintiffs' motion extend time for discovery, pretrial conference and trial date filed 5/5/93 ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 9/8/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 09/10/1993)
09/14/1993 83  MOTION with memorandum in support by U. S. Attorney to quash subpoena (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 09/15/1993)
09/17/1993 84  APPLICATION by All Plaintiffs for Matthew J. Chachere to appear pro hac vice (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 09/22/1993)
09/17/1993 85  CONSENT of local counsel by All Plaintiffs (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 09/22/1993)
09/21/1993 86  AMENDMENT by Prosper Avril to: [70-1] motion for protective order requiring plaintiffs to depose him at his place of residence (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 09/22/1993)
09/21/1993 87  MEMORANDUM of points and authorities by Prosper Avril in support of [86-1] amendment to motion for protective order (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 09/22/1993)
09/24/1993 88  SUPPLEMENT by All Plaintiffs to: [72-1] opposition memorandum (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 09/27/1993)
09/27/1993 89  MOTION by All Plaintiffs to extend time respond to motion to quash subpeona (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 10/06/1993)
09/27/1993 90  AFFIDAVIT by All Plaintiffs Re: [89-1] motion to extend time respond to motion to quash subpeona (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 10/06/1993)
09/28/1993 91  Minute entry for proceeding held before Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 9/28/93; motion hearing on motion for protective order (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 10/06/1993)
09/28/1993 92  ORDER denying [70-1] motion for protective order requiring plaintiffs to depose him at his place of residence denying [86-1] amendment to motion granting [84-1] motion for Matthew J. Chachere to appear pro hac vice, denying [76-1] motion for reconsideration of [63-1] order, denying [76-2] motion for Rule 37 (d) sanctions, vacating [92-1] order ( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 9/29/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 10/06/1993)
09/29/1993 93  ORDER granting [84-1] motion for Matthew J. Chachere to appear pro hac vice ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 9/27/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 10/06/1993)
09/30/1993 94  ORDER, adopting recommendation to deny defendant's motion for reconsideration or for sanctions ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 9/30/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 10/06/1993)
10/05/1993 95  ORDER granting [45-1] motion for leave to file memorandum in excess of limit ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 9/30/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 10/08/1993)
10/13/1993 96  ORDER granting [89-1] motion to extend time respond to motion to quash subpeona to through 10/24/93 ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 10/8/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 10/14/1993)
10/27/1993 97  MOTION by All Plaintiffs to extend time respond to government motion to quash 3rd party subpeona (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 10/29/1993)
11/05/1993 98  MOTION by Prosper Avril for Anderson, Hibey & Blair and Stephen A. Papy, withdraw as attorney (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/09/1993)
11/09/1993 99  ORDER granting [97-1] motion to extend time respond to government motion to quash 3rd party subpeona, Response to motion reset to 11/15/93 for [83-1] motion to quash subpoena ( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 11/9/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/12/1993)
11/12/1993 100  MOTION by Evans Paul, Jean-Auguste Mesyeux, Marino Etienne, Gerald Emile Brun, Serge Gilles, Fernand Gerard Laforest to extend time to respond to motion to quash ,Affirmation of Chachere attached (mg, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/15/1993)
11/17/1993 101  MOTION by All Plaintiffs for default judgment against Prosper Avril for failure to comply with order of Magistrate dated 9/29/93 (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/18/1993)
11/17/1993 102  AFFIRMATION of Matthew J. Chachere in support of [101-1] motion for default judgment against Prosper Avril for failure to comply with order of dated 9/29/93 (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/18/1993)
11/17/1993 103  MEMORANDUM by All Plaintiffs in support of [101-1] motion for default judgment against Prosper Avril for failure to comply with order of Magistrate dated 9/29/93 (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/18/1993)
11/17/1993 104  MEMORANDUM by All Plaintiffs in opposition to [98-1] motion for Anderson, Hibey & Blair and Stephen A. Papy, withdraw as attorney (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/18/1993)
11/17/1993 105  CERTIFICATION by Jack Besoner of non-appearance of witness (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/18/1993)
11/17/1993 CASE Referred to Magistrate Judge Palermo (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/22/1993)
11/17/1993 Motion(s) referred: [98-1] motion for Anderson, Hibey & Blair and Stephen A. Papy, withdraw as attorney referred to Magistrate Peter R. Palermo (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/22/1993)
11/17/1993 106  ORDER, referring motion for leave to withdraw as counsel of record to Magistrate Judge Palermo ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 11/16/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/22/1993)
11/23/1993 107  SUPPLEMENTAL Affirmation of Matthew J. Chachere by All Plaintiffs in further support of: [101-1] motion for default judgment against Prosper Avril for failure to comply with order of Magistrate dated 9/29/93 (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/29/1993)
11/24/1993 108  REPLY MEMORANDUM of Points and Authorities by Prosper Avril in support of [98-1] motion for Anderson, Hibey & Blair and Stephen A. Papy, withdraw as attorney (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 11/29/1993)
11/26/1993 109  MOTION by All Plaintiffs to further extend time respond to motion quash 3rd party subpoena (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/02/1993)
11/26/1993 Motion(s) referred: [109-1] motion to further extend time respond to motion quash 3rd party subpoena referred to Magistrate Peter R. Palermo (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/02/1993)
11/29/1993 111  NOTICE of Hearing: Motion hearing before Magistrate Peter R. Palermo set for 10:00 12/23/93 for [101-1] motion for default judgment against Prosper Avril for failure to comply with order of Magistrate dated 9/29/93, set for 10:00 12/23/93 for [98-1] motion for Anderson, Hibey & Blair and Stephen A. Papy, withdraw as attorney, set for 10:00 12/23/93 for [83-1] motion to quash subpoena (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/06/1993)
11/30/1993 110  ORDER granting [100-1] motion to extend time to respond to motion to quash, Response to motion due on 11/30/93 ( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 11.29.93) CCAP (mg, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/02/1993)
12/06/1993 112  MEMORANDUM by Prosper Avril in opposition to [101-1] motion for default judgment against Prosper Avril for failure to comply with order of Magistrate dated 9/29/93 (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/07/1993)
12/06/1993 112  MEMORANDUM by Prosper Avril in support of [76-1] motion for reconsideration of [63-1] order (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/07/1993)
12/09/1993 113  ORDER granting [109-1] motion to further extend time respond to motion quash 3rd party subpoena, Response to motion reset to 12/17/93 for [83-1] motion to quash subpoena ( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 12/9/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/13/1993)
12/14/1993 114  REPLY by All Plaintiffs to response to [101-1] motion for default judgment against Prosper Avril for failure to comply with order of Magistrate dated 9/29/93 (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/15/1993)
12/14/1993 115  AFFIDAVIT by Ira Kurzban Counsel for All Plaintiffs Re: [101-1] motion for default judgment against Prosper Avril for failure to comply with order of Magistrate dated 9/29/93(Former Deputy Clerk) Modified on 12/15/1993 (Entered: 12/15/1993)
12/14/1993 116  AFFIDAVIT by Matthew J. Chachere counsel for All Plaintiffs Re: [101-1] motion for default judgment against Prosper Avril for failure to comply with order of Magistrate dated 9/29/93 (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/15/1993)
12/21/1993 117  Notice of filing amended AFFIDAVIT of William J. Allard by U. S. Attorney (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/23/1993)
12/21/1993 118  NOTICE of withdrawal of Motion to quash third-person subpoena by U. S. Attorney (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/23/1993)
12/21/1993 Deadline updated; withdrawing [83-1] motion to quash subpoena (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 12/23/1993)
12/28/1993 119  ORDER withdrawing [83-1] motion to quash subpoena ( signed by Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 12/28/93) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 01/04/1994)
12/28/1993 119  NOTICE of Hearing: set status conference for 10:00 2/2/94 before Magistrate Peter R. Palermo (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 01/04/1994)
01/14/1994 120  ORDER, transferring case to Judge Ferguson ( signed by Judge Lenore C. Nesbitt on 1/14/94) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 01/19/1994)
01/14/1994 CASE reassigned to Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 01/19/1994)
02/01/1994 121  SUPPLEMENT by Prosper Avril to: [112-1] opposition memorandum to motion for default judgment, [112-1] support memorandum to motion for reconsideration of orders (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 02/02/1994)
02/02/1994 Status conference held (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 02/02/1994)
02/02/1994 122  Minute entry for proceeding held status conference before Magistrate Peter R. Palermo on 2/2/94 (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 02/02/1994)
02/02/1994 123  SUPPLEMENT by All Plaintiffs to: reply affirmation of plaintiff's motion for default judgment (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 02/02/1994)
02/02/1994 124  ORDER granting [98-1] motion for Anderson, Hibey & Blair and Stephen A. Papy, withdraw as attorney (Terminated attorney Stephen Arnold Papy for Prosper Avril ( signed by Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. on 2/2/94) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 02/07/1994)
02/08/1994 125  REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS of Magistrate Peter R. Palermo Re: RECOMMENDING granting [101-1] motion for default judgment against Prosper Avril for failure to comply with order of Magistrate dated 9/29/93 ; Signature date: 2/8/94 Motion no longer Objections to R and R due by 2/18/94 CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 02/09/1994)
02/14/1994 126  ORDER granting [101-1] motion for default judgment against Prosper Avril for failure to comply with order of Magistrate dated 9/29/93, Motion hearing set for 3/2/94 @ 130 on issue of appropriate damages to be awarded plaintiffs before Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. ( signed by Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. on 2/11/94) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 02/15/1994)
02/18/1994 127  ORDER, sua sponte, vacating [126-1] order granting plaintiffs motion for default , reset to 2/28/94 for [125-1] report and recommendations ( signed by Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. on 2/17/94) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 02/22/1994)
03/07/1994 128  ORDER affirming Magistrate's Report and Recommendation and granting [101-1] motion for default judgment against Prosper Avril for failure to comply with order of Magistrate dated 9/29/93; hearing on ddamages set for 6/2/94 at 1:30 pm before Judge Ferguson ( signed by Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. on 3/7/94) CCAP (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 03/08/1994)
03/14/1994 129  ORDER reSetting Hearing on Damages to 1:30 6.2.94 (sk, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 03/17/1994)
04/28/1994 130  AFFIDAVIT OF MATTHEW J. CHACHERE by All Plaintiffs in support of motion for extension of time to comply with timetable for filing supporting documentation of damages (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/06/1994)
04/28/1994 131  MOTION by All Plaintiffs to extend time file documentation of damages (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/09/1994)
04/28/1994 Motion(s) referred: [131-1] motion to extend time file documentation of damages referred to Magistrate Peter R. Palermo (Former Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/09/1994)
05/16/1994 132  MOTION by All Plaintiffs for additional enlargment of time to file suuporting documentation of damages (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/23/1994)
05/16/1994 133  AFFIRMATION OF MATTHEW J. CHACHERE by All Plaintiffs in support of [132-1] motion for additional enlargment of time to file suuporting documentation of damages (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/23/1994)
05/16/1994 Motion(s) referred: [132-1] motion for additional enlargment of time to file suuporting documentation of damages referred to Magistrate Peter R. Palermo (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 05/23/1994)
05/27/1994 134  ORDER granting [132-1] motion for additional enlargment of time to file suuporting documentation of damages, granting [131-1] motion to extend time file documentation of damages. Documentation due 5/31/91. (signed by Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. on 5/27/94) CCAP (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/03/1994)
05/27/1994 135  MOTION by All Plaintiffs for leave to file memorandum in excess of 20 pages (Proposed memorandum in support of motion for default judgment attached) (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/03/1994)
05/27/1994 136  DECLARATION OF MATTHEW J. CHACHERE by All Plaintiffs in support of motion for default judgment (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/17/1994)
05/27/1994 137  DECLARATIONS AND EXHIBITS (Volume I) in support of motion for default judgment by All Plaintiffs (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/17/1994)
05/27/1994 138  DECLARATIONS AND EXHIBITS (Volume II) in support of motion for default judgment by All Plaintiffs (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/17/1994)
06/22/1994 139  ORDER granting [135-1] motion for leave to file memorandum in excess of 20 pages (signed by Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. on 6/14/94) CCAP (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 06/23/1994)
06/29/1994 140  FINAL JUDGMENT DEFAULT AND AWARDING DAMAGES granting [101-1] motion for default judgment against Prosper Avril. Final judgment is entered against the defendant, in favor of the plaintiffs individually for damages in the total amount of $45,000.000.00, for which sum execution may issue forthwith. (signed by Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. on 6/28/94) CCAP/M (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/01/1994)
07/01/1994 141  FINAL JUDGMENT GRANTING DEFAULT AND AWARDING DAMAGES against Prosper Avril for total amount of $41,000,000, for which sum execution may issue forthwith. (signed by Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. on 6/30/94) CCAP/M (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/06/1994)
07/01/1994 Case closed (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/12/1994)
07/05/1994 142  ORDER vacating [140-1] order (signed by Judge Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. on 7/5/94) CCAP (dr, Deputy Clerk) (Entered: 07/06/1994)

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